Thursday, January 2, 2014


To be honest, I never really paid too much attention to the different registers of language before. Of course I had to deal with the appropriate register at every day’s situations depending on who I talk to and for homework assignments at school as well as at university but I never really gave it too much thought. However, I really tried to watch out for it in order to write this post and what I found out is actually quite interesting.

I've already mentioned quite a few times that I love the TV show Supernatural (Yeah I know, I keep rambling about it over and over again and anyone reading this blog must think I’m obsessed with it and that it might get annoying to a certain extend but so what) and now I want to talk about the dialogues and of course their register.

Well, first of all the main part of the dialogues are informal as well as happening between the two brothers Sam and Dean. These informal speeches are very direct, mostly use rather simple language apart from some specialist terms concerning hunting and the supernatural and are larded with swear words.

This is, however, not the only type of language which is used since especially Sam applies more neutral to rather formal language when talking to police officers, doctors and relatives of the victims pretending to be an FBI agent. Also Castiel, an Angel of the Lord (Yeah, you read right, there are not only demons but also angels on this show) is very formal as well as stiff which is one of his overall characteristic features.

I’m not 100% sure if this belongs to register as well but Crowley, the Crossroad demon aka the King of Hell, is talking in British English using all the belonging expressions which are sometimes hard to understand, other times sounding rather funny.

All in all, I personally find it very intriguing that register is this present in every day’s life and even in a show that I watch a lot.

I found a video which gives quite a good insight into the different types of register I mentioned above. So just have a look at it:

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